After a very long 30 minutes the nurse came in for a drink, and to let me know there were no sperm in the epidydimus (sp?). The dr. was going to have to take a biopsy. It would be a while before we heard. I lost it at that point and began to cry. I tried to calm myself and remember God has a plan and it is not over yet. 15 minutes later I hear a cheer in the OR, moments later the nurse came in to tell me I was up!!! That meant we had sperm!!!!! If there had been none we were going to forgo egg retrieval to regroup and decide our next step. No need for that yet!
I went into the OR at 8:30 and the first thing I remember after that is asking Hubs how many eggs were retrieved. There were 13!!!! From the giggles that followed my question made it clear I had already asked it several times.
I'm now resting comfortably at the MIL's, enjoying a bit of rest while Hubby rests comfortably next to me. At some point tomorrow we will hear from the embryologists to find out how many have fertilized.
Thank you Lord!!
Les Privat di Kebon Jeruk
7 years ago
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