Sunday, April 14, 2013

Progesterone Check up

Yesterday was a tough day.  My husband was late to our appointment, so I was done before he arrived.  He was furious at me :( But during the appointment I had the typical 3 pokes before they found a vein.  Then they unceremoniously pulled out a paper to sign showing that the other 5 of our embryos were not suitable for cryo-preservation.  My heart sank.  If these two little babies don't latch on and continue to grow....we are back a square one.  The tears flowed freely most of the day!  Then the clinic called to tell me I have to up my dose of Progesterone to 1.5 ml and also add suppositories.  Yikes.  The nurse had told me that about 50% of women have to increase so not to worry.  I was so tired yesterday.  When we finally got home, after plant shopping and car shopping, I was beat.  My mom has taken such good care of me this week.  She hung out, cleaned, and packed until Ron got home, then she headed out.  I miss her!


A Little Slice of Heaven said...

How are you doing sweetheart?

Unknown said...

I'm well!! I just can't wait until Friday to find out if we are pregnant or not. How have you been? When was your retrieval? How did it go? Praying for the best!!

A Little Slice of Heaven said...

I am so happy you are feeling well! My retrevail went well. Out of 18 eggs, 15 were mature. We ended up with 9 embryos. This morning was my transfer. The dr called at around 8 and told us that 5 of the embryos survived to this morning and they were a little slower than he wanted but that sometimes happens and when they put them back, they do much better. And then hit us with - I want to put 3 embryos back instead of we did 3. LOL! I go next Friday for my pregnancy test. It's so crazy! I will continue toy pray for you guys!!!! And let me know about Friday!!!

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